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About Us

Who We Are

We design and build highly effective and rigorously tested water filtration systems to help people live healthier lives.

We believe tap water contamination is one of the biggest issues facing Americans today. We are unwavering in our commitment to reducing your exposure to harmful contaminants like lead, PFAS, and microplastics — to give you peace of mind.

Founders Story
Rorra Handle

A few years ago we became fascinated with water quality for different reasons. Between raising young children and living in places with known tap water contamination, we’ve become acutely aware of what’s in our water and how it impacts our health and the ones we love.

The name Rorra was inspired by two of our founders' young children, Ro and Rora, who both suffered from eczema with an unknown cause shortly following their births. Turns out, it was due to the harmful substances present in our water.

Rorra is our solution. It’s our collective effort to build innovative, easy to use, and highly effective solutions to deliver exceptionally clean water. We are applying a disruptive, transparent and customer-focused mindset to a space that desperately needs it.

We believe that tap water quality is one of the most important issues facing Americans today. We are committed to giving our customers, and ourselves, more peace of mind in an increasingly polluted world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Brian, Charlie and Jordi
Rorra Co-Founders

Our Promise

We promise to reduce you and your family’s exposure to harmful contaminants in the water you drink.

The Standard

Tested to the highest standards for contaminant reduction and safety.

NSF/ANSI Standards

Established in 1944, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF®️) is trusted to develop public health standards and services that help protect and test water filter quality.

Regulatory agencies – from local through international levels – trust the NSF to identify which products are of superior quality.

Tests Completed & In Progress

Used to test products for removing or reducing concentrations of contaminants that may cause negative aesthetic effects (i.e. color, taste and odor impacts). This standard establishes minimum requirements for systems designed to reduce non-health-related contaminants.

Used to test water treatment products for removing or reducing concentrations of contaminants that have the potential to cause health problems. Some of the contaminants included in this certification are lead, volatile organic compounds, and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Used to test water filtration products for removing or reducing concentrations of not-yet-regulated, but potentially-harmful prescription / OTC drugs, herbicides and pesticides, flame retardants, detergents, Ibuprofen, estrone, microplastics, as well as other chemical compounds like BPA.

The Rorra Water Report

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Find our which toxins & chemicals are contaminating your tap water.

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Rorra Water Report
Our Values
Rorra Water Report
Trust & Transparency

Support consumers to make informed decisions about their water.

One of the reasons that we became interested in building water filtration systems at the beginning was because of how hard to understand, opaque, and at times dishonest, other companies were about what their water filter products could and could not do. In addition to building highly-effective products, we have an obligation to our customers and the community at large to honestly present our testing results as well as information from scientific publications and other trusted sources regarding water quality and health.

Start with Water

Water quality is the path to healthier lives.

Access to clean water is one of the biggest issues currently facing Americans. For us and our children, we deserve to live in a world where the water we drink isn't filled with harmful chemicals and carcinogens. All of the supplements in the world won’t be effective to improve one’s health if you’re consuming toxic water every day. We believe that water is the foundation of our health, so we built Rorra.

Performance By Design

Designed to deliver a high quality experience.

Everything we make is a reflection of our desire to implement elegant, user-friendly design to deliver a best-in-class and extremely reliable user experience. We build our drinking water filtration systems using stainless steel and other high quality materials instead of plastic because it matters, no matter how difficult it can be to do. We do not measure our success in months or years, but rather by building products that can last for decades.

Continuous Innovation

Relentlessly pursue improvement.

Our job is not done when a new product launches, it begins. Every product that we make is an opportunity for additional improvements in efficacy or quality to be delivered and implemented over time as new technologies become available and are validated with independent testing. We look at our systems more like computers than traditional water filters, and ultimately, we strive to continue to ship our customers an even better filter and improve the systems that they already have without needing to purchase a new product.